Friday, December 27, 2013

Nathan - 4 months old

To my little man,


I can't believe it! You are 4 months old today!!


This months has brought on more joys and challenges, the biggest of which has been your sleep. You are still sleeping in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom and are still waking us up throughout the night to nurse (although sometimes I think you just want to play!). We have been very busy with guests and all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season so I think after the new year we will start transitioning you into your nursery full time for naps and for sleeping at night. I know that I will probably have a pretty difficult time with it but I know that's what is best for you. Hopefully that will help you sleep longer at night because Mommy needs her sleep too!


You have finally discovered that your hands are quite useful for holding onto things and grabbing toys! By the end of the month anything that we held in front of you went from your hands to your mouth in about 5 seconds flat. You haven't started chewing on your feet yet but I know thats coming up next.


We had a 4 month check up with the doctor and here are your numbers!

Length: 25 inches
Weight: 13lbs 12oz
Head Circumference 42.5cm

The doctor is happy with how your growing and tells us to keep up the good work! You got some vaccines but you only cried for a minute and was all smiles by the time you left the office


We are so proud to be your parents. We can't wait to see what next month will bring

With love to the moon and back,

Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Nathan's First Christmas!


Ever since I started dreaming about having kids of my own I would think of how much more fun Christmas would be with small children in the house. Kyle and I are such huge fans of Christmas anyway and we know that every year with Nathan is going to become more magical and more enjoyable. 


Since he was still so little this Christmas he didn't really realize quite what was going on but I still think he enjoyed the bright lights and the constant Christmas music in the house and the candlelight service in church on Christmas Eve. At least I know that I enjoyed seeing him look around with a sense of wonder (I know I know he's 4 months old he looks at EVERYTHING with a sense of wonder!)


Kyle's brother was able to travel again up from Los Angeles to spend Christmas with us which was really nice. Dealing with the normal stress of Christmas is hard enough but adding a newborn into the mix made it even more chaotic!

At the beginning of the month our good friend Jared came up from San Diego with his girlfriend Megan to spend the weekend with us; what a wonderful way to kick off the christmas season! They brought a lot of great gifts for Nathan (the favorite being his Finding Nemo fleece jammies!) Jared has a really nice eye for photos and was able to get a pic of us in front of the tree for our christmas card!


nice right!?

I made the traditional Christmas spread: Ham, mashed potatoes and carrots. I love Christmas dinner because it is one of the few times during the year that we get to use our wedding china! 


Here are a few more pics from the Christmas season. I hope everyone had a happy and healthy Christmas and Holiday Season!

Christmas Morning
Christmas Hymn Sing at Church

Santa Jammies!!

All worn out after opening gifts

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Nathan's First Winter


Even though we are in California and we don't really get a "winter" we still had to do a first winter picture for little Nathan. Hope everyone is getting ready for Christmas! It's just around the corner!!!


Nathan's eyes are still the same color....I love starting into those baby blues!
