Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Power of a Praying Woman

I was raised in the Christian church since infancy. I read my bible (occasionally). I went to Sunday School. I pray. I believe.

But there is still something missing...

Now that I am beginning my life as an adult I am starting to develop my personal relationship with God. Sometimes my cynicism gets the better of me. I look around at people who have NO doubts NO reservations NO problem believing with their whole heart and soul and mind and I envy them.

Sometimes....I do have doubts.

But regardless, I do believe.

So recently I decided to start honing my personal relationship with my faith. A couple of weeks ago I was in church and our Choir director said she was going to start a prayer group for women. "If you are just starting to explore prayer, or want to know how to strengthen your prayer ministry, this is for you"


I just got the book today for the group, entitled "The Power of a Praying Woman" by Stormie Omartian. So over the next few weeks I will be posting about the chapters we discuss in class and hopefully start a dialogue with you girls that so wonderfully read my blog every so often....

wish me luck....

“Scepticism is the beginning of Faith.”

-Oscar Wilde

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