Thursday, November 13, 2008

What the F....?

I have two days off from work so I have decided to be productive and make my aisle runner monogram. My church doesn't allow the use of the aisle runner for liability reasons so I am thinking of using it as a sign for our table or for the cake table. Or for the buffet line, but i'm not sure I want 180 some odd pairs of feet walking on it.

Today I designed the monogram, printed it and traced in onto the aisle runner I purchased weeks ago from joanne's fabrics. I am finally done painting the purple F.

UPDATE** I finished it!! Here it is!!!!!


  1. This runner is really beautiful!! We love you! Mom & Dad

  2. roses are red, violets are blue
    we like your new blog,
    and your runner, its true.

    roses are red, violets are blue,
    since you've got a cold,
    its bed rest for you.

  3. It's beautiful!!! How do you get that to print so large?

    My email is
