Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Layout in the works!


So after a few half-baked attempts at blog design I have decided to pay for the professionals to come in and give my blog a make-over. It's part of my 101 in 1001 and I figure, why not now? Now sounds good to me!

Some points from the day, I finally finished a knitting project I had been striving to complete for the last two weeks and now I can start on my next project. I am using these very vague terms because both items in question are gifts for people whom I pretty sure read this blog, so hush hush about it. I'll let you guys know as soon as they get them.

I went over to finally visit one of my good friends from work who has a little 2 week old son at home. Mom and baby are doing fine and her husband is just beside himself with pride and happiness. I meant to take a pic when I was there so you can see his cuteness in person, but I forgot, epic fail. It seems that every time I see a baby my maternal clock chimes a little louder (right now it's about a 1.5 on a 10 scale haha). I can't wait to be pregnant and have a little baby in my arms, but I just want to have some time to just be a wife before that happens!

I got a call back from one of the Wedding Photographers I wrote to about freelane work. He is interested in having me work for him as a part-time editor! I am so excited about the chance to really learn lightroom from a professional photographer. I am going into his studio to meet with him next week!

All-in-all a very productive day. All that and a 2 mile run to boot. YAY!

Have a great Wednesday everybody!

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