Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Renewals and Reflections

Tonight when I got home from work I went to the mailbox and found my renewal notice for my RN license. I have officially been a RN long enough for my first license renewal. It seems really hard to believe that a year has flew by since I graduated from Nursing School.

So much about my life has changed
So much has changed for the better

I remember back to the semester before I graduated. I used to fantasize about singing RN after my name. I wanted to sign my checks with RN at the end, I was so excited about having that designation at the end of my name. Now I sign RN 100 times a day at work, it's been starting to loose it's grandeur. So I think it's a good thing that I am looking back and reflecting on that. So that tomorrow when I am at work and writing RN for the 50th time that day after my name I will pause for a second and really feel proud and accomplished for all of the hard work that I did to get myself to this point

I am a working professional, a Registered Nurse!

Nursing Flashback-Taken from a 1963 Magazine


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