I have decided to start giving my wardrobe a serious update. Since I had the day off today and the clock has officially started ticking down toward the move I decided to spend the afternoon doing some inventory. Today's project was my closet. I wanted to make a rough list of the different types of clothes I had to figure out how many boxes I would need to pack up my closet. The more I wrote down the more telling it was about what my wardrobe is centered around. Do you see that list? I took one good look at the number of t-shirts I have (holy crap) and decided that my so called *jeans and tee* rut has surpassed rut and crossed over into obsession. I need to branch out and buy a skirt or two (especially since right now I only own two).
I have made a commitment to build a new a versatile wardrobe for myself, piece by piece, over the next two years. My goal is to buy a new item every month, something I don't already own (the key point), more shoes, more dresses, skirts and a wider range of accessories. Using my birthday money I already bought the September stuff. My guide through all this will be the The Lucky Shopping Manual: Building and Improving Your Wardrobe Piece by Piece
One of the things I wanted was an outerwear vest and when I saw this in the L.L.Bean fall catalogue I immediately wanted the look. So I went ahead and got all three (even the scarf, totally cute right?) I am hoping that this is the first step in the right direction. Before you say anything, the long sleeve shirt is technically a tee but hear me out - it's a turtle neck, it's ribbed and it's purple (all three of which do not currently reside in my closet)
October Item: Leather Motorcycle Jacket or new pair of Boots
Can I just say that your October item list is exactly what i own (minus the part where my leather jacket is not real leather?) I love boots!!!